Friday, May 30, 2008

Day 8 Post-Op

WooHoo!! We're embarking on week TWO!

Sophie had all 13 of her staples taken out today. The vet looked at the incision site where I was having worries and said that it looks like it has healed well, just that the skin has "lipped" and so the exposed edge of the incision is what was scabbing. Now that there are no staples pulling the skin together, the edge of the incision that "lipped" is exposed and raw. I am sure that it must sting or be uncomfortable in some other way, plus I bet it is itchy as hell! So, while Sophie has been an angel about not bothering her staples, she has started to lick the incision! On goes he e-collar. She looks thrilled, no?

I put a bandaid with some neosporin on the exposed tissue. The rest of the incision looks beautiful!

The exposed "lip." It looks wet because of the neosporin.

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