Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Day 2 Post-Op

May 23, 2008.

Sophie is more alert today. It appears that she licked the blood off of the leg overnight. She has some bruising around the incision. Sophie is eating and drinking well.

The skin on her leg where they shaved seems to be red and irritated. I am going to look into it and see if there is maybe something I can put on it to provide some relief.

I did some passive rang of motion (PROM) exercises; flexing her hock, moving her leg at the hip and bending her knee. She only lets me do it a little bit and then tries to pull her leg away. I also iced her knee for about 5 minutes until she tried to pull her leg away.

She urinated but has not had a BM (bowel movement) today.

Sophie is toe-touching while walking with minimal weight bearing. She urinated twice before bed. I gave her Tramadol for overnight pain relief as well as Baytril and the joint supplement (she gets it 2x a day).

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