Thursday, June 5, 2008

Day 15 Post-Op

June 5, 2008

Alright, Week 3! She has some serious atrophy going on in the affected leg. :(

She is still constantly on-leash in the house, but is allowed to move around the living room while we're watching her. I am still carrying her down the two flights of stairs twice a day for potty breaks and as soon as she does her business, we go back inside. No walks yet. I have been reading the materials posted on the Orthodogs group about post-op/rehab and there is conflicting information. Some say we are at a point where we can go on slow 10 minute walks twice a day, other info says 20 minutes, while yet other information instructs NO walking other than for elimination for 4 weeks!

Sophie is walking slowly on her leg with no limp right now. If she tries to move too quickly, she will "skip a beat" in her gait or go up on 3 legs until I slow her down. I wonder if I should take her cue and let her use the leg more or continue to hold her back. I don't want her to lose much more muscle tone if I can prevent it. That muscle helps keep the leg strong and stable.

Her hair is growing back!
Incision site:

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